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Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Mighty to Save

Lucie was singing as she put away toys today. I had to hide in the doorway to get the video so she wouldn't see me... it won't be long before she's ready for the Praise Team at church :)

and if you were wondering what song she is singing, here it is, called "Mighty to Save" ....

you know, I am humbled and blessed to have a child that sings praises to God as she goes through her day.


Camera Clicker said...

You are one blessed mama!

Frogs Mom said...

That is neat! Lucas just started singing 'shabbat shalom' that we sing at the end of the messianic fellowship we recently started attending. He also loves to pray before and during the meal and to say 'amen.' Little seeds.

Robbi said...

That is just awesome. It's so sweet to watch a child worship God. Lani does the same an asks to listen to "hallelujah muskic"

Misty said...

That was very cute. I love to hear little ones sing. Livi sings all the time, and many times she makes me turn off the radio so she can sing loud! LOL.

DavidPulling said...

Alas, out of the mouths of babes and sucklings!

Lucie has the plan. Can we follow her lead?

Anonymous said...

Thanks to the owner of this blog. Ive enjoyed reading this topic.

Anonymous said...

You are a blessed Momma. Isn't it amazing? Teaching young children has been the biggest blessing in my life. She is the cutest little one I've seen just singing for God.