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Saturday, May 31, 2008

San Antonio

oh yes, we survived the San Antonio trip. The kids were awesome on the ride there and back, really we didn't have any problems. We had a surprise in that PapPaw and MeMe met us at a rest area and rode with us the last hour- that was awesome!

While there I went to a home school conference and got LOADS of information and encouragement. It's amazing how much stuff is out there to homeschool, it's hard to decide what's good for us.

This picture was taken at the Texas visitor center, they have a boardwalk through the swampy area that is great for running energy out. The kids saw the turtle statue and automatically sat, posed and said "cheese"! Guess I take too many pictures...

I think Lucie's favorite part about going to MeMe and PapPaw's home is sleeping with MeMe in her bed! Griffin wanted to also but he's too wiggly

MeMe gives piano lessons. Watch for another post and I'll have a video of the beautiful music :)
I love this picture of PapPaw and Griffin!

1 comment:

Misty said...

Such sweet pictures! I love the one in bed with grandma. My oldest has been climbing in bed with grandma to sleep since she was little. It's so sweet.