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Monday, May 23, 2011

more lasts...

I am very thankful to Jodi and Delana for taking time to meet us at McDonalds for one last playdate. And our kids are very thankful for mamas who let them eat ice cream at 10:30 in the morning ;)

Since we moved here after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Jodi and Delana have been my closest friends. Thank you for all the support and always being willing to do something crazy with the kids. Really hoping that we can meet up in Arkansas next summer!

Drew, Anna, Josh, Olivia, Lucie, Jacque, Emma and Lee

Anna, Lee, Lucie, Jacque and Jacob in the back
Josh, Emma, Olivia, Griffin and Drew in the front
It's amazing how many kids can fit into Ronald's lap :)

Drew thinks he is so big!

Griffin and Lee

Griffin doesn't like ice cream so he asked the worker if he could just eat the cone. He didn't like that either!!

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